OC6 Chicken for Sauté

30 minutes competition

30 minutes will be allowed to prepare one (1) whole chicken suitable for a sauté dish e.g Poulet Sauté Marengo. The prepared chicken should be displayed on a tray complete with any trimmings to be used for stock. The judges will want to see both chicken legs deboned.





OC8 Vegetable and Fruit Preparation

45 minutes competition

45 minutes will be allowed to prepare and present the following cuts of vegetables and fruit:

A: 60g julienne of carrot;
B: 60g brunoise of swede;
C 60g paysanne of carrot, swede and leek;
D: 60g jardniere of swede;
E: two oranges peeled and segmented, two kiwi fruit peeled and sliced, one banana peeled and sliced, 1 apple peeled, cored and quartered.

All vegetables and fruit to be prepared using the correct knives, no mandarin or apple corer. Judges will want to see all the trimmings presented separately and the fruit displayed for a fresh fruit platter.




OC10 Roll Design & Shaping

30 minutes competition

30 minutes will be given to shape eight (8) x 40gms rolls (four (4) types two (2) of each) and one (1) 400gms loaf ready for baking.

Competitors to supply own dough.





OC12 Cocktail Mixology

20 minutes competition

20 minutes will be allowed for competitors to make two (2) vibrant drinks taking into consideration seasonality and colour. Put your own personality on a new drink using five (5) ingredients maximum, one (1) has to be a fruit based non-alcoholic mocktail and the other is of the competitor’s choice. The judges will be looking for creativity and some theatre in the production of the cocktails and the presentation. Four (4) glasses of each have to be produced.

Competitors must supply all their own ingredients, glasses and props.

OC7 Fish Preparation

30 minutes competition

30 minutes will be allowed to fillet one (1) flat fish and one (1) round fish of your choice. All fish and equipment to be supplied by the competitor. You will be judged on the following points: maximum edible flesh on the fillets, minimum edible flesh on the bones, good working practices, pin-boned, scaled etc, hygienic practices and knife skills. The finished product must be presented along with any bones/trimmings.



OC9 Lamb Challenge French Trim Rack of Scotch Lamb

30 minutes competition

30 minutes to butcher two (2) best ends of lamb. The skills test will be to remove the lamb racks cleanly from the chime bone using a saw not a cleaver, one (1) best end of lamb to be French trimmed to a six -bone rack, the other to be presented as removed from the chime bone.

Competitors will be expected to remove the bark from the back of the best ends and then remove the seven bone racks cleanly from the bone with a saw. Bones will be inspected for poor butchery. The rack of lamb that is being French trimmed
should have minimal fat covering left over the eye of the meat, bones carefully cleaned and of equal size making sure the sinew has been removed. Both racks and the trimmings to be presented on a tray for inspection.



OC11 Napkin Folding – a Variety of Six Folds

30 minutes competition

30 minutes will be allowed to create and present six (6) different napkin folds. Make two (2) for private dining, two (2) for busy restaurants, two (2) for banqueting service. Each fold must be clearly labelled. All napkins and accessories to be supplied by the competitor.



OC13 Caesar Salad Challenge

20 minutes competition

20 minutes will be allowed to prepare and produce a traditional Caesar salad to competitor’s interpretation. Dressing and salad to be prepared in front of judges as this will be tasted. Salads to be presented in a contemporary style.





ScotHot and Scottish Chefs gratefully acknowledge the support and assistance of the following companies/organisations:





HIT logo 2018



Class Sponsors


Lomond Food

QMS logo RGB 4
Scotch Beef Club
Braehead Foods
Belhaven Smokehouse


Clarks Speciality Foods

Food for Life Scotland Logo Soil Association sml

Gallo logo RGB

Selective Personnel
